Hello, this is

Sigma Bot

Multipurpose Bot

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My Intro

About Me

Happy Users


Discord Guilds


Live Listeners


I am a free bot that can play music for you, help you manage your server and more! I am customizable and strong like a real Sigma 😉

What can I do?

My Commands:


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Moderation Commands

Moderation commands will help you manage your guild & your members!

  • /addrole

  • /ban

  • /checkwarns

  • /lock

  • /emoji steal

  • And many more...


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Music Commands

Listen to a lagless music system, you can play a song or load a playlist by using a URL!

  • /play

  • /skito

  • /queue

  • /loop

  • /shuffle

  • And many more...


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Configuration Commands

You will be able to log your moderation actions, change my embed color, add a welcome message and even autorole!

  • /set embedcolor

  • /set modlogs

  • /set welcome

  • /set autorole

  • /delete autorole

My Servers

Server's I'm In!

All 10k+

Crypto Giveaways

5.000+ Members

9's Universe

2.500+ Members


30.000+ Members
A few words from my users



Sigma bot is insanely good and underrated, its perfect for running a server, it is the perfeft bot to help build a server aswell as maintaining it. I've been using it for well over a year now and never had any issues with it. Highly recommend 10/10!


When I created my own server, I was looking for bots being less complex and easy to work with. That’s when I came across Sigma bot being; Easy to use and maintain both for beginners and experts; Has the most common and useful commands a server requires; Trusted and verified bot; It’s highly recommended if you’re looking for less manual work, 10/10!

Athena Rebel

Excellent bot, many commands. Very good at what it does! Keep up the good work <3

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